Faculty Staff Payroll Deduction

Faculty Staff Payroll Deduction - Partners for the Arts
Faculty Staff Payroll Deduction - Partners for the Arts

Monthly payroll deductions will continue indefinitely. However, you may stop it or make changes to your payroll deduction at any time by contacting the USM Foundation at 601.266.5210.

If you currently make a contribution to the USM Foundation, any additional payroll deduction will be added to your current gift amount. 

All deductions must be received on the last day of the month for deductions that should begin the following month.

If you wish to set up your payroll deduction as a pledge or a specific total amount, the gift amount must total $1,000 or greater over five years.

Email: Required Field

I am a: Required Field
I am a:

Please note our policy prohibits signature authorities from donating to a development fund over which they have control of discretionary spending. This does not include annual scholarships and endowments. 

Designations Required Field
Seventy-five percent of your total contribution may be designated equally to one or more of the funds below. The remainder of those funds, including undesignated funds, will be applied directly to the Partners for the Arts.
Please designate my gift to Partners for the Arts to:
Please designate my gift to Partners for the Arts to:

Gifts to the USM Foundation are publicly acknowledged in recognition and promotional efforts of the Foundation and/or The University of Southern Mississippi. If you wish to restrict certain publication permission, please check the appropriate box(es).
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